First Exam Question

Friday 27 November 2009

By now you should have completed all of the technical aspects of production in Tv drama, including editing, camera movement, composition and angles, sound and mise en scene.

In the following extract, (begin 1 min 21 sec into clip):
Discuss the ways in which the extract constructs representations of gender using the following:
-Camera Shots, angles, movement and composition
-Mise en Scene (lighting, costume, props etc)

You should watch the extract through once. Then watch again taking notes. Take notes after for a few minutes, then watch another twice taking notes.

The mark-scheme for this is:
-Explanation/analysis/argument (20 marks)
-Use of examples (20 marks)
-Use of terminology (10 marks)

You do not need to introduce or conclude, just to explain and analyse examples in relation to the representation of gender through the micro-analysis of the extract.

I would like this emailed to me by the evening of Wednesday 2nd December to thanks.

Your blogs!

I have to say I am really impressed with the work you are doing on your blogs guys..... Keep it up!

Monday 16 November 2009

Hi folks, some more work for you to do on your blogs, this time on image and sound editing. Again, try to complete your answers with video showing the technique in use. To be done for Monday 23rd November.


long take,
short take,
slow motion,
ellipsis and expansion of time,
visual effects.


Diegetic and non-diegetic sound;
synchronous/asynchronous sound;
sound effects;
sound motif,
sound bridge,
mode of address/direct address,
sound mixing,
sound perspective.

• Soundtrack:
incidental music
themes and stings
ambient sound