Your blog is going to be a record of your development in Media Studies over the next year, it should be bursting with research, ideas, commentary, interesting links and videos. Firstly there are some important rules to take on board:
1.These blogs are solely for the purposes of your Media Studies A-level and should be treated accordingly.
2.Language should always be used appropriately.
3.Please play fair when commenting on the work and ideas of others
4.Don't share this blog publicly, it is only for me and the class to use and comment on. Ensure that your blog is set to private and that you invite only myself and your classmates as followers.
5.Do not link or post up offensive or unsuitable pictures or videos- this will be severely dealt with by the school
6.Please ensure that your blog has no personal information, details or photographs of you
Create a gmail account that is recognizable as you and create your blog at
Happy blogging everyone!!
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